why we get fat book cover

Scientist Discovers the Key to Good Nutrition

Gary Taubes is a rocket scientist who studied at Harvard and Stanford. He used to write about bad science (meaning non-evidence based) and high-energy physics. I found out about him from a patient who gave me his book “Good Calories, Bad Calories”. I have seen several interviews and lectures online that Gary has given and they are excellent and full of…


Apple Cider Vinegar and Ketosis

This article will detail the benefits of apple cider vinegar and how it can help you get into ketosis. When you look up the benefits of apple cider vinegar, just a simple search online, you’ll find it has the same benefits as ketosis: healthy cholesterol, weight loss, healthy blood sugar, restful sleep, decreased joint pain,…


Fat Facts by Dr. Schmidt

Studies from the medical research show a different reality compared to what marketing, media, and medicine say about consuming fat. This paper is to show the truth about fat. A claim is made followed by the research(es) to back it up. 1. Healthy fats are essential for life and a healthy body! Functional Roles of Fatty…